"About Us"

I, Gail Mancuso, first had the idea for this business 6 years ago.  (For those interested in seeing the original plan structure dated June 22, 2011 Please find it under" Original Plan").  Although some of the ideas have changed, the main concept and our overall mission is still intact:  Promote products that are Made in the U.S.A., Socially Conscious and Philanthropic.

After much time and many changes in our lives myself and my daughter Danielle decided to make my dream our reality, resulting in the birth of:

                                           YOU N I CAN...make a difference!!!

We at You N I Can are always looking for new products to add to our store that prove "American Made" products have the quality, fashion and affordability we all want.   

We are doing our best to find you the best items at the best prices!

According to World News with Diane Sawyer (2012): "If each of us spent just $64 on American made goods during our holiday shopping, the result would be 200,000 new jobs".--WOW

Together we can do this. 

Our dream is that someday You N I Can will be a household name.

Let You N I Can be your first stop when on line shopping.  We urge everyone to still patronize their local establishments, but when you do shop online let it be here.   Here at You N I Can not only do we strive to bring you the best products, but we believe in giving back.  We aim to find companies and entrepreneurs with the same values and heart as us.

We encourage everyone to start paying attention to "the county of origin" of the products you purchase.  Start buying U.S.A. manufactured goods as often as you can. Let our hard earned money be recycled into our own country.  Every dollar spent can be a dollar earned by a fellow American.  

You can start small.  When buying a gift, you normally have a price in mind, use that same price margin and buy something "Made in America."   A double gift for the recipient. 

You N I Can makes it easy to find all of the best products, manufactured in the best country, together all on one site.


Please note:

As we do our best to find products "Made in The USA" there can be a time when some imported materials are needed to complete an item.